MANNA Partner Agency Client Data

Each month, every partner agency to MANNA Food Bank is required to report their client data. The data that we receive is integral in our work of ending hunger in western North Carolina. By knowing how many clients our partners are serving each month, we are better able to understand where the need is the greatest in our community.

Client data for pantry partners includes demographics on gender, age and ethnicity as well as how many households and individuals were served. In addition to client demographics, meal programs are required to report how many meals were served each month plus how many total clients were served across all meals.

Partner agencies are required to report monthly data by the end of the following month, and can report client data directly in the Online Ordering Tool.


The Toolkit containing detailed instructions for entering monthly client data online is now available.

MANNA Client Data Toolkit (pdf version)

Client Data Worksheet

We have created a simple tracking worksheet to help partner agencies track the number of individuals and households served at food distributions.

Client Data Worksheet (Word document)